Dr. Matthias Klar

Since October 2021, I am Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Technical University of Munich. My advisor is Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmer.
E-mail Address:
Research Interests:
Foundational research of fast-slow dynamical systems, in particular
Publication in peer-reviewed journals:
PhD Thesis:
Scale-bridging of fast-slow systems in a thermodynamical setting
At University of Bath (2022) [web]
PhD Supervisors at the University of Bath:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmer and Dr. Karsten Matthies
External Examiner PhD Viva:
Prof. Dr. Grigorios Pavliotis (Imperial College London)
Internal Examiner PhD Viva:
Dr. Philippe Trinh (University of Bath)
PhD Program of Study at the University of Bath:
Integrated PhD in Statistical Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath (EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training SAMBa)
Erdős number:
My Erdős number is 4: Matthias Klar → Karsten Matthies → Clarence Eugene Wayne → Steven George Krantz → Paul Erdős
Conferences and Research schools attended:
Teaching at the Technical University of Munich:
Teaching at the University of Bath:
Teaching at other universities:
SAMBa Integrative Think Tanks (ITTs):